Qiskit addons are a collection of modular tools for building utility-scale workloads powered by Qiskit.
This addon enables a Qiskit user to perform approximate quantum compilation using tensor networks, a technique that was introduced in arXiv:2301.08609.
Specifically, this package allows one to compile the initial portion of a circuit into a nearly equivalent approximation of that circuit, but with much fewer layers.
It has been tested primarily on Trotter circuits to date. It may, however, be applicable to any class of circuits where one has access to both:
- A great intermediate state, known as the "target state," that can be achieved by tensor-network simulation; and,
- A good circuit that prepares an approximation to the target state, but with fewer layers when compiled to the target hardware device.
(Figure is taken from arXiv:2301.08609.)
All documentation is available at https://qiskit.github.io/qiskit-addon-aqc-tensor/.
We encourage installing this package via pip
, when possible.
To be useful, this package requires at least one tensor-network backend. The following command installs the Qiskit Aer backend, as well as the quimb backend with automatic differentiation support from JAX:
pip install 'qiskit-addon-aqc-tensor[aer,quimb-jax]'
For more installation information refer to these installation instructions.
We follow semantic versioning and are guided by the principles in Qiskit's deprecation policy. We may occasionally make breaking changes in order to improve the user experience. When possible, we will keep old interfaces and mark them as deprecated, as long as they can co-exist with the new ones. Each substantial improvement, breaking change, or deprecation will be documented in the release notes.
The source code is available on GitHub.
The developer guide is located at CONTRIBUTING.md in the root of this project's repository. By participating, you are expected to uphold Qiskit's code of conduct.
We use GitHub issues for tracking requests and bugs.
If you use this package in your research, please cite it according to the CITATION.bib file.