This package is the whole UI of AWS Codewhisperer Chat extension UI for Web, VSCode and Intellij IDEs written in typescript without any framework or third-party UI library dependency. Purpose of the separated UI is to handle the interactions and look & feel of the UI from one single source.
You need to create a new release from your desired branch with a tag which should follow the naming v*.*
to release a production version to npm. The tag you're creating shouldn't be existed before.
If you need to release a beta version first you need to specify the version name inside package.json
which should follow the versioning 2.0.0-beta.1
After that you need to create a new release from your desired branch with a tag which should follow the naming beta*.*
to release a beta version to npm. The tag you're creating shouldn't be existed before.
please see publish.yml and beta.yml for releasing details.
See CONTRIBUTING for more information.
This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.