Talk I held at the Bärner Go Talks 2023 no. 3 about gRPC and retry mechanisms in Go.
Have a look at the slides I made for the talk here.
You can read more on retries in the gRPC Retry Design document and in the gRPC examples.
gRPC supports client side retries, but they are disabled by default and must be configured with a so-called service config. The fields of the service config are defined by the grpc.service_config.ServiceConfig protocol buffer message. Internally, gRPC uses the service config in JSON form. The JSON representation is the result of converting the protobuf form into JSON using the normal protobuf to JSON translation rules.
Request flow for a unary RPC in case a retry is triggered. As you can see in the diagram, the client stub will retry the RPC this means that retry is transparent to the client application. The client application will only see the final result of the RPC. The client stub will retry the RPC until it either succeeds or the retry budget is exhausted. The retry budget is defined by the service config.
participant Client Application
participant gRPC Client Stub
participant Server Application
Client Application->>Server Application: GetUser() RPC
note right of Server Application: failure occurs
Server Application->>gRPC Client Stub: returns UNAVAILABLE
note left of gRPC Client Stub: handles retry transparently
gRPC Client Stub->>Server Application: retried GetUser() RPC
note right of Server Application: does successful processing
Server Application->>Client Application: returns OK and GetUserResponse
As you can see in the diagram below things look a bit different for streaming RPCs. The client stub will not retry the RPC automatically. This means that the client application will see the failure and has to decide if it wants to retry the RPC. The client application also needs to decide if it wants to start at the beginning of the stream or if it wants to continue where it left off (if supported!).
If you're asking yourself why the client stub can't retry the RPC automatically, just ask yourself these questions:
- The client stub already received two responses and passed them to the client application. How does the client behave if the client stub retries the RPC and the client application receives the same responses again?
- How can the client stub retry the RPC if the server does not support starting the stream from an arbitrary point?
- Does it always make sense to start a stream from the beginning?
participant Client Application
participant gRPC Client Stub
participant Server Application
Client Application->>Server Application: GetAllUsers() RPC call
Server Application-->>Client Application: GetAllUsersResponse 1
Server Application-->>Client Application: GetAllUsersResponse 2
note right of Server Application: failure occurs
note left of gRPC Client Stub: stub can't automatically retry<br />we got two responses already
gRPC Client Stub-xServer Application: not possible to retry