All event names are defined in src/logger-event.ts
- HealthCheck: Sent each time check-health-func runs
- BatchPoolStats: Sent by Batch job manager. Custom measurements:
- runningTasks: number of running tasks
- samplingIntervalInSeconds: the time interval to take pool metrics measurement
- maxParallelTasks: the pool configured maximum number of parallel tasks to run
- ScanRequestReceived: Sent when a request is received by post-scans-func. Custom measurements:
- totalScanRequests
- pendingScanRequests
- rejectedScanRequests
- ScanRequestAccepted: Sent by web-worker each time a received request is processed and split into multiple separate scan requests. Custom measurements:
- acceptedScanRequests: number of scans that were accepted for the processing
- ScanRequestQueued: Sent when a scan request is queued for processing by Batch scan task. Custom measurements:
- queuedScanRequests: number of requests that were queued
- ScanRequestRunning Sent when a scan request is processing by Batch scan task. Custom measurements:
- runningScanRequests: number of running scan requests
- ScanRequestCompleted Sent when a scan request completed, regardless of the operation result. Custom measurements:
- completedScanRequests: number of scan requests completed
- ScanRequestFailed Sent when a scan request failed. Custom measurements:
- failedScanRequests: number of scan requests failed
- ScanRequestNotificationStarted Sent when a scan result notification request started. Custom measurements:
- scanRequestNotificationsStarted: number of scan result notification requests started
- ScanRequestNotificationCompleted Sent when a scan result notification request completed, regardless of the operation result. Custom measurements:
- scanRequestNotificationsCompleted: number of scan result notification requests completed
- ScanRequestNotificationFailed Sent when a scan result notification request failed. Custom measurements:
- scanRequestNotificationsFailed: number of scan result notification requests failed
- ScanTaskStarted: Sent when a scan begins executing. Custom measurements:
- scanWaitTime: number of seconds between when the original scan request was received and when the scan begins executing
- startedScanTasks: number of scan tasks started
- ScanTaskCompleted: Sent when a scan completed, regardless of the operation result. Custom measurements:
- scanExecutionTime: number of seconds between when the scan began executing (when scanTaskStarted was sent) and when the scan completed
- scanTotalTime: number of seconds between when the original scan request was received and when the scan completed (equal to scanExecutionTime + scanWaitTime)
- completedScanTasks: number of scan tasks completed
- ScanTaskFailed: Sent when a scan task failed. Custom measurements:
- failedScanTasks: number of scan tasks failed