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Maria Clara Sales Carneiro Sampaio MCSC-Sampaio
I am a Professor of History at the Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará (Federal University of Southern and Southeastern Pará, UNIFESSPA) Maraba

leo_the_lawyer lawdlgleo
Lawyer guy learning coding bit by bit. This stuff is tough, but I'm enjoying the challenge.
Davood Tofighi quantPsych
Data science, R, Python, Statistics, biostatistics, Psychology, and Engineering!

University of New Mexico New Mexico, U.S.A.

EconMaett EconMaett
Master in Economics - Specialization in Digitization and Data Analytics

Swiss National Bank Switzerland

Ping Cheng chping

ASTER PLAY Beijing, China

_ivaquero_ ivaquero
Minimalism Follower & Fan of Command Lines
Shuang Song SongshGeo
A Geographer who also travels.

Beijing Normal University Beijing, China

Guduru Sudheer sudheer82
AI SW, Wireless protocols & embedded systems

Qualcomm India

Scott Granneman rsgranne

WebSanity St. Louis, MO

Adrian Sieber ad-si
CEO @Airsequel | Haskell, Elm, PureScript, Rust

@Airsequel Frankfurt am Main

Roland Chastain rchastain
Pascal chess programs etc.


Mark Anderson markemer
Electrical Engineer, Computer Scientist, and Mobile Developer

@ionic-team at @OutSystems Fairfax, VA

Ajay Shanker AjayShanker-geek
Look at my codes, not my brows😆


Juan D. Pinto juandpinto
Learning scientist 🧠 ∙ educator 👨🏽‍🏫 ∙ AI Researcher 🤖

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Champaign, IL

Yu-Xi Lim thirteen37
Data science and engineering
Riasat Sheikh TheFermi0n
D1, 九大素粒子理論物理 How can we be so self-delusional when the truth stares back at us?

九大 福岡県、日本

Stew Stew-McD
Environmental impact assessments and things like that with ex-ante LCA. PhD candidate at CML - Uni Leiden, NL.

@CMLPlatform under the sea

Tobias Gårdhus gaardhus
Sociologist & Social Data Scientist tinkering with scientific software development


Markus Rauhalahti mrauha
independent researcher (applied metascience and HCI) :: phd in computational chemistry :: nerding hard