Thanks for helping making Promitor better!
You can easily release a new Helm chart version:
- Update the version of the Helm chart in
- Package the Helm chart
$ helm package promitor-agent-scraper
Successfully packaged chart and saved it to: C:\Code\GitHub\charts\promitor-agent-scraper-0.1.0.tgz
- Move the new chart to the docs folder
$ mv promitor-agent-scraper-*.tgz docs
- Re-index the Helm repo to add our new version
$ helm repo index docs --url
- Create a pull request with our new Helm index
- Create a GitHub release for your new Helm chart version by using the following template
Chart: {{Chart Version}} | App: {{App Name}} {{Description about the Helm chart}}
helm repo add promitor helm install promitor-agent-resource-discovery promitor/promitor-agent-resource-discovery
- {{List new features}}
- {{List fixes}}
- {{List breaking changes}}
- {{List removed features}}