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File metadata and controls

1110 lines (969 loc) · 22.6 KB

Table of Contents

Week 1

Communication Accts

  • Slack
    • channels
    • direct messages
    • edit/delete messages
  • professional Email Address

fs basics

  • intro folders
    • Drive folders
    • User folder
    • Important Sub Folders (Desktop, Documents, Downloads)

CLI Basics

  • CRUD file system (fs)
    • what does CRUD stand for
  • navigate fs
  • CRUD fs
    • i.e. cd, dir, mkdir, nano, ls, touch, echo, cat

Editor (VS Code)

  • fs manipulation with VS Code
  • Folder/file naming conventions
  • VS Code Specifics
    • Command Palette
    • Keyboard Shortcuts cheat sheet



Complete using CLI

  1. Make a directory on your Desktop folder and name it something like cbc-6.
  2. Navigate in that folder and create another folder and name it something like first web project.
  3. In that folder create a file called something like hey-there.txt
  4. Open that file and add some text

Git Basics

  • setup Github acct
  • diff b/w GitHub & git
  • basic Git workflows
    • clone -> add -> commit -> push/pull
    • status



  1. Create a new repository on Github.
  2. CLI: navigate to the folder inside your cbc-6 folder.
  3. CLI: git add .
  4. CLI: git commit -m "[...]"
    • Write a message in the [...]
  5. Copy from Github the line that says git remote add [...]
  6. CLI: Paste what you copied and press enter
  7. CLI: git push -u origin master
  8. Refresh Github to see if it worked.

Markdown Basics

  • importance for jobs
  • headings # - ######
  • bold
  • italics
  • links/images
  • lists (ordered/unorder)
  • task lists
  • code blocks
  • emojis
  • table



  1. Add a file to your project
  2. Use 6 of the above concepts to explain your text file.

HTML Basic Terms

  • elements
  • tags
  • attributes
  • HTML document structure
    • html head body
  • self closing elements

CSS Basic Terms

  • selectors
  • properties
  • values
  • type selectors
  • class selectors
  • id selectors
  • additional selectors
    • psuedo-selectors
    • children

CSS Basic Concepts

  • Referencing CSS
  • CSS Resets
  • Cross Browser Compatibility

HTML Basic Concepts

  • block vs. inline (div vs span)
  • comments
  • headings
  • bold/italics
  • HTML5
    • header, nav, article, section, footer, aside



  1. Make a web page.
  2. Add html, head, and body tags
  3. In the body add a header, article, section, footer
  4. In each of those add some divs, paragraphs, and spans of text.
  5. Apply classes and ids to html elements.

HTML Basic Concepts II

  • creating hyper links
    • relative vs absolute path
    • wrapping elements with anchors
    • link to new window
    • link to part of same page
  • mailto
    • special character encoding
    • URL encoding

CSS Basic Concepts II

  • Calculating Specificity
  • combing Selectors
  • Layering styles with multiple classes

CSS Colors

  • rgb
  • hsl
  • keyword
  • hexadecimal
  • rgba
  • hsla

CSS Lengths

  • Absolute Lengths
    • pixels
  • Relative Lengths
    • percentages
    • em/rem

CSS Box Model

  • display
    • block
    • inline
    • inline-block
    • none
  • width/height
  • margin
  • padding
  • borders
    • border-width
    • border-style
    • border-color
    • border-radius
    • box-sizing
      • vendor prefixing
        • -moz- : Firefox
        • -ms- : IE
        • -webkit- : Chrome/Safari



  1. add an anchor tag that links to your favorite website.
  2. wrap a div of text that links to your text document you created.
  3. use an anchor to link to an id somewhere else on the page.
  4. put a style tag in the head of your html and color an element using rgb, hex color, and a key word.
  5. set the height/width, padding, border, and margin for some of your elements.
  6. for an element that has a child:
    • put a px width/height on the parent.
    • on the child put a percentage width/height

HTML/CSS Developer Tools Basics

  • how to open
  • elements tab
    • html
    • styles
    • box-model

CSS Positioning

  • floats
  • clearing
  • containing
    • :before and after
  • inline-block
  • relative
  • absolute
  • fixed



  1. add an html aside element and put it above your section
  2. float the aside to the side of the section
  3. use inline-block to make a 2 column layout (2 elements side by side)

CSS Typography

  • typeface vs. font
  • color
  • font properties
    • font-family
    • font-size
    • font-style
    • font-variant
    • font-weight
  • line-height
  • text properties
    • text-align
    • text-decoration
    • text-indent
    • text-shadow
    • text-transform
  • web safe fonts
  • web fonts
  • citations & quotes

CSS backgrounds & gradients

  • background-color
  • background-image
    • background-repeat
    • background-position
  • designing gradient backgrounds
    • linear background gradient
    • radial background gradient
  • background-size
    • cover
    • contain



  1. set your paragraphs to be a web safe font.
  2. load a font from Google that you like and set that for your anchor tags.
  3. mess with font/text properties
  4. set your divs to a certain background color.
  5. load a background image to something
  6. set a background-gradient to something

HTML lists

  • unordered lists
  • ordered lists
    • start
    • reversed
    • value
  • description lists
  • nesting lists
  • list item styling
    • list-style-type

HTML/CSS adding media

  • images
    • supported image formats (gif, jpg, png)
    • background-image vs img tag
  • audio
  • video
  • inline frames
  • figure
  • caption

HTML form

  • form tag
    • method
    • action
  • input types
    • text
    • color
    • email
    • range
    • time
    • date
    • month
    • search
    • url
    • datetime
    • number
    • tel
    • week
  • textarea
  • name
  • multiple choice
    • type
      • radio
      • checkbox
  • drop down list
    • select > option
  • submit button
  • hidden input
  • form organization
    • label
      • for
    • fieldset
      • legend
  • placeholder

HTML tables

  • table tag
  • table row
  • table data
  • table head
  • table structure
    • caption tag
    • table head
    • table body
    • table footer
  • combining multiple cells
    • scope
    • colspan
    • rowspan
  • table borders
    • border-collapse
    • border-spacing
  • aligning text
    • text-align
    • vertical-align



  1. add an unordered list of at least 3 items
  2. add an ordered list of at least 3 items
  3. create a table
  4. nest the unordered list in a cell
  5. nest the ordered list in another cell
  6. give the table a heading and footer
  7. add an image tag
  8. give it a caption
  9. make a form with some different types of inputs

Week 2

CSS Scaleability and Performance

  • BEM
  • performant selectors
  • reusable code

CSS Positioning II

  • overflow
  • offset
    • top right bottom left
  • z-index

CSS Complex Selectors

  • direct/indirect descendent selectors
  • sibling selectors
  • attribute selectors
  • pseudo classes



  1. give an element a block level class name
  2. in that element give it a BEM class name
  3. add offset to a parent with a child
  4. position that child absolute and give it some offset
  5. make a grand child of step 3
  6. using z-index put the child of step 3 on top of the grand child

CSS Responsive Web Design

  • relative viewport lengths
  • media queries
  • mobile first
  • viewport
  • flexible media

CSS Transforms

  • 2d transforms
  • transform origin
  • perspective
  • 3d transforms
  • transform style
  • backface visibility



  1. Use a media query to change the layout from 1 column on mobile to 2 columns on desktop
  2. Set an image's height and width to use vw/vh
  3. horizontally center an image in a parent
  4. use hover to activate a transform

CSS Transitions & Animations

  • transitions
  • keyframes
  • animation calls

HTML/CSS Polyfills

  • HTML5 Shiv
  • conditional linking
  • Modernizr
  • cross browser testing

HTML Semantics & Accessibility

  • structural/text semantics
  • microdata



  1. add the HTML5 Shiv to your project
  2. add some Aria roles to some of your elements
  3. transition a button's background-color when you hover
  4. create an animation with at least 3 steps

Bonus CSS Flexbox

  • history
  • parent/child properties

Bonus CSS Grid

  • history
  • parent/child properties


Week 3

JS Intro

  • history
  • in-browser vs on-server

JS Setup

  • referencing (internal, external, node)
  • use strict

JS Basics

  • strings
  • console log
  • variable assignment
  • integers
  • undefined/null
  • boolean



  1. in the browser add 2 strings together and return the answer
  2. create an html file
    • internally, create a variable that stores a string
      • add a string to your variable (+)
    • log the answer to the console
    • load it into the browser to check the answer
  3. link to an external javascript file
    • create a variable that stores a string
    • create a variable that stores an integer
    • multiply those two variables together (*)
    • log the answer to the console
    • load the browser to check the answer
  4. bonus in your external javascript file
    • add 2 + true and see what you get

JS Operators

  • arithmetic
  • order of operations
  • assignment
  • comparison
  • logical

JS Conditional Statements

  • statements ({};)
  • if/else if/else syntax



  • note from now on we are going to assume you are working on an external javascript file
  1. create a counter variable with the value of 2
    • add 5 to it
    • then multiply that result by 2
    • log the output. Did you get 14?
    • modulo that answer by 3. Before you log the answer write a comment what you think it is going to return.
    • What happens when you modulo that answer by 2? Write in a comment if it returned what you expected?
  2. create an if statement that tests if your variable modulus 2 returns 0
    • log in the console the answer
  3. Create an else statement that logs that the variable was not even
  4. create a conditional statement that tests the state of your variable in 4 different ways
    • in each of them link 2 comparisons together using logical operators
  5. create 3 if statements back to back. Comment the difference between multiple if statements and 1 conditional statement.

JS Loops

  • why loops
  • while/do while/for loop syntax
  • increment/decrement



  1. create a counter variable
  2. add 1 and log it 50 times using a for loop
  3. make a while loop that logs every other number up until 50
  4. loop from 0 to 100
    • log the string fizz if the number is divisible by 3
    • log the string buzz if the number is divisible by 5
    • log the string fizzbuzz if the number is divisibly by both

JS Functions

  • why functions
  • definition vs. expression
  • execution
  • arguments
  • return
  • scope
  • IIFE



  1. create a function that takes two arguments and adds them together
  2. create a function that takes two arguments and multiplies them together
  3. create a function that takes two arguments where the first argument is the start number and the second argument is the end number. The body of the function starts a loop and ends it at the second argument and logs every number between the start and end number.
  4. create a variable in the global scope
    • create a function that takes an argument
    • add the argument to the global variable
    • log the return of that function
  5. create an IIFE that logs your success of creating an IIFE

JS User Input

  • prompt
  • form

JS Math Methods

  • floor
  • ceil
  • round
  • random
  • min
  • max
  • pow



  1. create a function that takes user input and compares it against a random number. If there is a match then log the success.

JS Characters

  • escape
  • character encoding

JS String Methods

  • length
  • charAt
  • toUpperCase
  • toLowerCase
  • indexOf
    • square bracket accessor
  • startsWith || endsWith
  • includes
  • slice

JS Array Basics

  • construction
  • accessing indexes
  • length
  • push
  • pop
  • array iteration



  1. make an array of 10 grocery store items loop through that array and log each item.
  2. loop through a string at least 10 characters long and log each character
  3. make that string upper case

JS Arrays II

  • splice
  • slice
  • concat
  • find
  • sort
  • reverse
  • split
  • join
  • filter
  • reduce



  • Create an inventory array and associate a number with each item. Then get user input that purchases items (subtracts one from the item).

JS Data Types

  • type checking
  • type casting



  • Grocery Store app
    • functions:
      • add to inventory
      • subtract from inventory
      • Notify when out of stock
    • data:
      • inventory
      • inventory count

Week 4

JS Polyfills

  • ECMA/TC39
  • ES versions
  • babel

JS Testing With Mocha and Chai

  • loading Mocha/Chai
  • describe
  • it
  • assert.equal

JS Coding Style

  • Egyptian style
  • vertical indents
  • nesting levels
  • commenting strategies
  • variable naming
  • linting
    • Bonus ESLint
  • .editorconfig

JS Object Basics

  • name spacing
  • literal syntax
  • method definition
  • value storage
  • value accessing
  • for key in object

JS this

  • new
  • this
  • bind
  • call
  • apply



  1. Test each function from last week's app
  2. update variables and functions to better names
  3. see if you can turn any functions into methods of objects

JS DOM Basics

  • intro to concept of api
  • selecting elements
  • HTML collection vs node list
  • node navigation

JS DOM Manipulation

  • style
  • innerHTML vs textContent
  • classList


  1. change styles of 3 separate elements using Javascript
  2. change the class name and text of a a child or sibling of each of the above elements

JS DOM Events

  • addEventListener
  • event delegation


  1. add an event listener to an element so that when you click it, another element's style changes.
  2. create a list with at least 3 elements
  3. apply event delegation to that list of elements

JS User Input

  • input onChange
  • form handling

JS Validation

  • regex


  • create an auto complete feature
    • input text box
    • list of terms
    • compare
    • validate input (no special characters)

JS Timing

  • setTimeout
  • setInterval
  • requestAnimationFrame


  • create a countdown timer
    • countdown from a number to 0
    • it needs to be visible counts


  • status codes
  • GET
  • XHR
  • readyState
  • response text


  • syntax
  • parse
  • stringify


  • hit the Faker API
    • build a profile card for a random person

Week 5

PHP Intro

  • history
  • server side/backend
  • why

PHP Environment

  • Vagrant

PHP Basics

  • <?php ?>
  • variables
  • basic strings
  • semi-colons
  • echo
  • var_dump
  • comments

PHP Data Types

  • string
  • integer
  • float
  • boolean
  • array
  • object
    • class
    • new

PHP String Methods

  • strlen
  • str_word_count
  • strrev
  • strpos
  • str_replace

PHP Operators

  • arithmetic
  • assignment
  • comparison
  • increment/decrement
  • logical

PHP Conditional Statements

  • if elseif else
  • switch case

PHP Loops

  • while
  • do...while
  • for
  • foreach

PHP Arrays

  • syntax
  • accessing indexes
  • count
  • sort

PHP Functions

  • definition
  • execution
  • argument list
  • return

PHP Scope

  • local
  • global
  • static

PHP Form Handling

  • action
  • method
  • superglobals (server, request)
  • GET vs POST
  • handle empty request

PHP Form Validation

  • html required
  • htmlspecialchars
  • trim
  • stripslashes
  • preg_match
  • filter_var

PHP File Linking

  • include vs require

Week 6

PHP Exception Handling

  • try...catch
  • throw

PHP File Handling

  • file upload
  • readfile
  • fopen
  • fread
  • fclose
  • feof
  • fwrite

PHP Cookies

  • setcookie
  • $_COOKIE

PHP Sessions

  • session_start
  • session_unset

MySQL Basics

  • history/why
  • different databases
  • relational vs non-relational
  • RDBM system

MYSQL PHPMyAdmin Basics

  • create database
  • create tables
  • constraints
    • NOT NULL
    • UNIQUE

PHP PDO Basics

  • PDO vs MySQLi
  • environment variables
  • db connection


  • fetch vs fetch all
  • fetch modes

PHP PDO Create

  • sql insert
  • sql injection
  • prepared statement

PHP PDO Update/Delete

  • WHERE clauses


  • transactions
  • joins
  • limiting functions
  • aliases
  • views

Week 7

Server Basics

  • Linux
  • Apache
  • World Wide Web

Server Cloud

  • virtual machines
  • TCP/IP
  • SSH

Server Linux Basics

  • Aptitude
  • services
  • systemctl
  • network diagnostics

Server Basics II

  • user/group permissions
  • environment variables

Server SFTP

  • public vs private SSH keys
  • RSA encryption
  • PuTTY

Server Deploy to Production

  • connect Heroku to Github

Server Bonus Deploy to Production II

  • Docker
  • CI/CD
  • Google Cloud/AWS/Azure

Week 8

API Basics

  • introduction
  • REST


  • introduction

CS Security

  • code/data separation
  • authentication
  • cryptography
  • password hashing
  • config files
  • error reporting

CS Design Patterns

  • Constructor
  • Module
  • Factory
  • Singleton
  • MVC

Week 9

Career Basics

  • technologies
  • technical roles
  • workflows
  • testing
  • iteration
  • team-work
  • conflict resolution

PM Agile Basics

  • introduction
  • Manifesto

PM Scrum

  • Product Backlog
  • Release Planning
  • Sprint Planning Meeting
  • Sprint Backlog
  • Backlog tasks
  • Daily Scrum
  • Sprint Review
  • Sprint Retrospective

PM Git

  • Kanban
  • Git Flow
  • issues

JS Tooling

  • npm scripts
  • Pug
  • SASS

Week 10

CS Basics

  • Big O
  • Recursion
  • Psuedo Code

CS Data Structures

  • linked list
  • doubly/circular linked list
  • stack vs queue
  • hash tables

CS Search Algos

  • linear search
  • binary search
  • interpolation

CS Sorts

  • selection
  • bubble
  • insertion

CS Bonus Algos

  • merge/shell/quick sort
  • bfs vs dfs
  • trees

Week 11

Design Basics

  • history
  • UI
  • UX

Design Languages

  • Material Design
  • Flat Design
  • Human Interface Guidelines

Design Resources

  • Dribbble
  • Awwwards
  • Material
  • Smashing Magazine

Design Principles

  • Hick's Law

Design Patterns

  • Interactive Design
  • User Centered Design

Design System

  • Component Library
  • Style Guide

Week 12

Job Web Presence

  • Portfolio
  • Linkedin
  • Code Pen
  • Blog
  • Github

Job Search

  • Indeed
  • Google
  • Monster

Job Application

  • resume
  • cover letter

Job Interview

  • technical
  • culture
  • phone vs in-person