.NET Core/Standard Entity Framework Database-First Context Converter
Optimizes generated DbContext output of "dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold".
- Makes DB schema changeable at runtime
- Removes OnConfiguring method (including connectionString), so you can implement your own partial OnConfiguring method outside the generated context.
- Optional parameter --winforms optimizes all generated .cs files in the context file's folder for usage in Windows Forms (grids etc).
dotnet DotnetEfDbcontextConverter.exe path\myDbContext.cs [--winforms]
Or in combination with your scaffolding command:
dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold "server=mysqltest;port=3306;user=myuser;password=mypw;database=projectDb" MySql.Data.EntityFrameworkCore -o Models -f && dotnet C:\DotnetEfDbcontextConverter.dll Models\projectDbContext.cs
Using .NET Core, you can run the DLL directly via "dotnet" command.
If you want an EXE file, run
dotnet publish -c Release -r win10-x64
within the project's directory.
- coreapp-dll.zip contains the compiled DLL (recommended)
- coreapp-exe.zip contains the release Exe (quite large, usually better to use the core DLL)