Family app for raising a children
In today’s day and age, families are so much more than a mom, dad, and 2.5 kids. Sometimes grandparents take on a larger role, or parents split up and children have bonus parents. We created FamYOUly as a way to tackle the arduous task that is parenting in this modern day and age. With FamYOUly you can collaborate with your child’s support network to post events, have a shared calendar, add todos. No more forgetting to buy a poster board for your kid’s science project and being reminded the night before. You now have a place to list medications, allergies, and other medication, so your babysitter is on the same page and doesn’t whip out the peanut butter and send little Johnny to the hospital on your girls’ night. Store important contacts so you remember teacher’s names, etc. Welcome to FamYOUly, it takes a village, and we are here to help.
The following dependencies are required:
dotenv, express, express-handlebars, express-session, handlebars, handlebars-helpers, http, multer, mysql2, nodemon, sequelize, sweetalert and uuid
Install all dependencies and seed the database
npm i
npm run seed
Enviroment Variables Required
Create a .env file with the following:
Creating a full stack website that can add, delete and update users, events, todos, children and miscellaneous information for a family.
Kirtley Adams
Front End
GitHub Profile: kirtleyadams
Erna Lukač
Front End
GitHub Profile: ooernica
CJ Sanders
Back End
GitHub Profile: EsotericZ
Kai Walsh
Back End
GitHub Profile: kaiwalsh1
Add/Edit profile pictures from the front end
Chat feature
Additional questions? Contact us:
Kirtley Adams
Erna Lukač
CJ Sanders
Kai Walsh