The container comes with all the software needed to generate summary statistics.
You need to download the container file using one of the following commands. This will use approximately one gigabyte of storage.
Container platform Version Command Singularity 3.x wget
Docker docker pull
Next, start an interactive shell inside the container using one of the following commands.
Container platform Command Singularity singularity shell --hostname localhost --bind ${working_directory}:/data --bind /tmp gwas-protocol-latest.sif
Docker docker run --interactive --tty --volume ${working_directory}:/data --bind /tmp /bin/bash
To create a local development environment install Miniforge and create a .condarc
file in your home directory with the following contents:
- conda-forge
- bioconda
Then update your .bashrc
or .zshrc
with mamba init
. This will allow you to use the conda
Next, install mamba
using conda install mamba
and then create the environment using the following command:
micromamba create --name "gwas-protocol" \
"conda-build" \
"bcftools" "plink" "plink2" "tabix" "gcta" \
"parallel" \
"jupyterlab" "ipywidgets" \
"python=3.12" "more-itertools" "psutil" "tqdm" "pyyaml" \
"python-blosc2" "pyarrow" \
"numpy" "scipy" "pandas" "threadpoolctl" "universal_pathlib" \
"matplotlib" "seaborn" \
"jax" "jaxlib=*=cpu*" "jaxtyping" "chex" "etils" "python-flatbuffers" \
"mkl-include" "mkl" "c-blosc2" \
"mypy" "pandas-stubs" "types-psutil" "types-pyyaml" "types-seaborn" "types-setuptools" "types-tqdm" \
"pytest-benchmark" "pytest-cov" \
"cython" "gxx_linux-64>=13" "gcc_linux-64>=13" "sysroot_linux-64>=2.17" "zlib" "gdb"
Finally, install the gwas
package using the following command:
pip install --no-deps --editable "src/gwas"
for sample_size in 100 500 3421; do
mkdir -p "${sample_size}"
pushd "${sample_size}" || exit 1
benchmark --vcf $(for chromosome in $(seq 1 22); do echo ${data_path}/${sample_size}/chr${chromosome}.dose.vcf.zst; done) --output-directory . --method ramp --causal-variant-count 100 --simulation-count 1000 --seed 1000 --missing-value-pattern-count 10
popd || exit 1