This repository is a RESTful micro service responsible for two simple scenarios: read CSV file on startup, store the data (Reports) in a memory Database and expose an API to get the Reports by site and month.
In this service has an embedded application server and a database.
This application is running over Spring Boot framework.
1. Java version 8.
3. JPA / Hibernate: Mapping persistent entities in domains objects and vice versa.
6. Logback: Generation of logs.
7. Spring Data JPA: It's used to generate part of the code of the persistence layer.
9. Jackson: API for convert the Java data in Json and vice versa.
Database: H2 database embeded in the application. The database is created during the startup of the application. In the end of the execution the database is deleted.
Tests: The tests are defined as use case of the Junit. The tests of rest services have: Spring Web MVC for mock of the web infrastructure; JsonPath e hamcrest are used for access and assertions in the Json content. The tests have been made available in the structure: src/test/java.
Spring Boot: Technology used for create a embeded enviroment of the execution, I used this technology for simplify the use of the Spring and for controle the scope of the database. In the file src/main/resources/application.yml have properties of the Spring Boot for the project.
Maven: Life cycle management and project build.
JDK - Java version 1.8.
Any Java IDE with support Maven.
Maven for build and dependecies.
###### After download the fonts, to install the application and test it execute the maven command:
$ mvn clean install
###### To only test the application execute the maven command:
$ mvn clean test
###### To run the application the maven command:
$ mvn spring-boot:run
###### To get the reports for mobile web and january month type the bellow line in the url
site can be: desktop_web, mobile_web, ios and android
month can be: january, February, jan, Feb, 1, 2, and so on (see you can represent the month in 3 formats, full name, 3 letters or number representing the nth month)