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Steve Pfisterer edited this page Jul 17, 2016 · 3 revisions


Tabs are a great way to create a concise and usable admin UI. Creating a tab with ACF Builder is as easy as adding any other type of field.

use StoutLogic\AcfBuilder\FieldsBuilder;

$banner = new FieldsBuilder('banner');
    ->addTab('Background Settings')

addTab('Content') will generate:

    'key' => 'field_banner_content_tab',
    'name' => 'content_tab',
    'label' => 'Content',
    'type' => 'tab'

addTab('Background Settings') will generate:

    'key' => 'field_banner_background_settings_tab',
    'name' => 'background_settings_tab',
    'label' => 'Background Settings',
    'type' => 'tab'

The name and key will have '_tab' appended their values.

ACF provides a placement setting for 'top' (default) or 'left'. Note 'left' will be ignored if the field group is configured with a table layout.

ACF also provides an endpoint setting to denote that a tab is the start of a new row or group of tabs. If the field group has a lot of tabs this may be helpful. It can either be passed in as an option like placement, or the endPoint() function can be called after addTab().


Note about using Tabs with Repeaters

By default repeaters will utilize a table layout. Tabs won't work correctly and will break the UI in a table layout repeater. Be sure to set the layout to block or row:

    ->addRepeater('columns', ['layout' => 'block']
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