This document is designed to be a reference guide for learning how to run the CMS trigger rate monitoring tools (usually referred to as the “RateMon” tools) for new maintainers/developers of the RateMon tools. The code is in a GitLab repository:
- RateMon GitLab repository:
You should be included as a maintainer of this repository, so if you are not currently listed as a maintainer, please ask someone from the RateMon team to add you.
- Current RateMon team: John Lawrence, Kelci Mohrman, Mateusz Zarucki
For background information about the RateMon tools, feel free to take a look through the materials listed below:
- Poster that summarizes the main components of the RateMon tools (Presented by Andrew Wightman at the 2018 CHEP conference)
- Slides that summarize the RateMon tools (Presented by Kelci Mohrman at a 2019 TSG workshop)
- Slides summarizing the RateMon tools more generally, with a brief overview of the CMS trigger system (Presented by Kelci Mohrman at the 2019 APS DPF conference)
- Slides that provide an update on the current state of the tools (Presented by Antonio Vivace at a L1T meeting in 2020)
- CMS paper on the trigger system
- Antonio Vivace master thesis on the upgrades to RateMon