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Custom built webpack v4 react build setup

Install and run


nvm use

npm i


npm run dev

will auto open http://localhost:9000 to simple react app in browser hot reloads


steps followed to assemble

webpack from scratch (using v4 of webpack per tutorial..latest is v5)

why not webpack v5? simple the course is v4 so I followed that. But a next step is to configure a webpack v5 setup.

bootstrap with webpack

npm init

git init

npm install --save-dev webpack webpack-cli

webpack is now installed in node_modules/.bin/ and you can run as node_modules/.bin/webpack and it will generate js output file in /dist (because it has default) which you can run as node /dist/main.js

to make it easier when you add a script to package.json, it will resolve to node_modules

webpack runs in production mode by default so can pass params to run in development mode

npm run build -- --mode development

when run in development mode the webpack runtime is included and it builds a data struct of each src file

webpack.config.js - file for webpack to pickup

  • entry - starting file for code
  • output - path and filename to output

add babel

babel is a compiler used to convert modern js down to a format which runs in older browsers

npm i -D @babel/core @babel/cli @babel/preset-env

this also puts an executable in node_modules/.bin which you can run like so $(npm bin)/babel ./src/greet.js ...which just outputs the same code

but run using preset $(npm bin)/babel ./src/greet.js --presets=@babel/preset-env and it down converts modern js to older code

add babel-loader

used to transform modern js code into older js added options in module property to use babel-loader

now we have build setup to run & build plain javascript ^

convert to react app

install babel react preset: npm i -D @babel/preset-react

add preset to loader list in webpack.config

add simple React component and use in index.js

run npm run build and now we see /dist/app.bundle.js contains react and our simple app

add HTML file to contain react app

add webpack-html-plugin to include an html file npm i -D html-webpack-plugin

generates html file by default but missing the div for the react app

created custom index.html template in src to include div for react app and edited webpack.config.js to pass the template name as a param to HtmlWebpackPlugin ctor

run webpack in watch mode

added a script to package.json "dev": "webpack --watch --mode development"

now npm run dev runs in watch mode and rebuilds when code changes

support webpack dev and production config files

add webpack-merge npm i -D webpack-merge

create base, prod and dev webpack config files (prod and dev "inherit base")

change package.json scripts to pass config to use e.g. "build": "webpack --config",

add a web server to live load the page

npm i -D webpack-dev-server

change package.json to run webpack-dev-server instead of webpack-config

  • added --open option to auto open when run dev
  • changed port to 9000

npm run dev will now run app on http://localhost:9000/ and auto open and it live reloads when make changes in the app!

generate sourcemaps for debugging

the code running in the browser is the converted code which is not the same as the code I wrote, sourcemaps will map the converted code back to the original code so what I debug is what I wrote

add devtool: 'source-map' option to and rerun the app with chrome debugger open

add support for proposed js features

npm i -D @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties which adds support for proposed class changes

change webpack.config.base.js as a plugin

this is for example, we don't use classes for react, functional ftw...right? eh?

auto include styles

add style and css loaders to auto add a styles tag in the html npm i -D css-loader style-loader

add support for hot react reload (retain react state)

npm i -S react-hot-loader

changed App.js to use like docs:

and added new npm script command in package.json

add webpack-bundle-analyzer to analyze build size and content

npm i -D webpack-bundle-analyzer

change webpack prod config to use


to use: npm run build and open dist/bundle_sizes.html


custom built webpack v4 react build setup






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