Iceberg is a virtual computer built from scratch, built starting from the logic gates and CPU to an assembler and compiler, whilst at the very high level Java is implemented.
I was inspired by the Nand2Tetris course where they used a simpler HDL, an easy assembly dialect and a Java-like language to teach various notions about Computer Architecture. I thought that it would be fun to recreate the same thing but using languages that are commonly used in the industry.
Logic gates are the lowest level point from which this project is implemented. They are written in Verilog and then simulated using iverilog on a dedicated testbench, and any FPGA simulator will actually work. See Resources for an online 16-bit FPGA simulator. Most of the gates also have a 16-bit version and eventually a n-way version (some even n-way-16-bit).
Ex: a 4-way mux gate:
module mux4way(out, i0, i1, i2, i3, sel0, sel1);
input i0, i1, i2, i3;
input [3:0]sel;
output [3:0]out;
wire tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3;
wire [3:0] [1:0] sel0 = sel;
wire [0:3] [1:0] sel1 = sel;
not(notSel0, sel0);
not(notSel1, sel1);
and(tmp0, i0, notSel0);
and(tmp1, i1, sel0);
and(tmp2, i2, notSel1);
and(tmp3, i3, sel1);
or4way(out, tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3);
The predefined gates are by default implemented on Verilog/Systemverilog. Thus they are not strictly needed for building more advanced gates or chipset, but I still decided to add them as reference and learning purposes.
The ALU is written is Systemverilog (such as the CPU and other complex components). It handles two 16-bit inputs, a 6-bit opcode and a 16-bit output and a 2-bit sign flag. It computes the following instructions:
The 6-bit opcode gets divided in single bits and refered to as:
The ALU logic manipulates the a and b inputs and operates on the resulting values, and in the exact order as it follows, thus permitting to make all of the 16 operations described before:
- if (za == 1) set x = 0 16-bit constant
- if (na == 1) set x = !x bitwise not
- if (zb == 1) set y = 0 16-bit constant
- if (nb == 1) set y = !y bitwise not
- if (f == 1) set out = x + y integer 2's complement addition
- if (f == 0) set out = x & y bitwise and
- if (no == 1) set out = !out bitwise not
And the 2-bit sign flag is: 0 (if output < 0) 1 (if output = 0) 2 (if output > 0)
The memory is also created from scratch, starting from a single-bit register that helps in the building of several types of flipflops, that will then be used to create defferent sizes of RAMs, a program counter, and a ROM. The final volatile memory will be a 24Kb RAM: 16Kb of general purpose memory, 8Kb allocated for screen memory and 16-bit for keyboard input.
To run any Verilog (.v) or Systemverilog (.sv) file, use iverilog (available for Windows, Linux and MacOS) using the command:
>> iverilog filename.v
To visually see the functioning of a gate and it's testbench you need to use gtkwave and have a .vcd file of the gate (plus eventually the testbench, in the same file):
>> gtkwave filename.vcd
- Online Verilog Compiler:
- Online FPGA Simulator: