TyVM is a 16bit VM based on LC-3 architechture that runs a barebone version of assembly code. The whole system is geared towards CS students or (like me) people passionate about computer architecture that are just learning about the topic. I created this project for fun during a week, looking at how others implemented solutions for LC-3 based machines and getting inspiration from their work.
LC-3 is a type of computer educational assembly language. It features a relatively simple instruction set, but can be used to write moderately complex assembly programs, and is a viable target for a C compiler. The language is less complex than x86 assembly but has many features similar to those in more complex languages. These features make it useful for beginning instruction, so it is most often used to teach fundamentals of programming and computer architecture to computer science and computer engineering students.
The LC-3 specifies a word size of 16 bits for its registers and uses a 16-bit addressable memory with a 216-location address space. The register file contains eight registers, referred to by number as R0 through R7. All of the registers are general-purpose in that they may be freely used by any of the instructions that can write to the register file, but in some contexts (such as translating from C code to LC-3 assembly) some of the registers are used for special purposes.
Instructions are 16 bits wide and have 4-bit opcodes. The instruction set defines instructions for fifteen of the sixteen possible opcodes, though some instructions have more than one mode of operation. Individual instructions' execution is regulated by a state machine implemented with a control ROM and microsequencing unit.
TyVM is a very barebone VM that has:
- 128kb of memory
- 16 opcodes
- 10 registers
- 3 condition flags
It has 2^16(=65,536) individual memory locations
uint16_t memory[UINT16_MAX];
TyVM has n.10 16-bit registers. - 8 general purpose registers - 1 program counter (PC) - 1 conditional register (COND)
enum {
RG_000 = 0,
uint16_t registers[RG_COUNT];
TyVM has n.16 16-bit opcodes, that instructs the machine to do some simple calculation:
enum { // [name, 8-bit value]
OP_BR = 0, // branch, 0000
OP_ADD, // add, 0001
OP_LD, // load, 0010
OP_ST, // store, 0011
OP_JSR, // jump register, 0100
OP_AND, // bitwise and, 0101
OP_LDR, // load register, 0110
OP_STR, // store register, 0111
OP_RTI, // unused opcode
OP_NOT, // bitwise not, 1001
OP_LDI, // indirect load, 1010
OP_STI, // indirect store, 1011
OP_JMP, // jump, 1100
OP_RES, // reserved opcode,
OP_LEA, // load effective address, 1110
OP_TRAP, // execute trap, 1111
- [10] Load instruction from memory at program counter [RG_PC] address;
- [20] Increment RG_PC;
- [30] Read opcode for next instruction;
- [40] Perform instruction read in 30;
- [50] Goto 10;
On file "preprocessor.c" define the OS where you want to run TyVM. Comment out the following line if you want to build for Windows, otherwise it will build for Unix:
#define __UNIX
Build using the command:
gcc --std=c11 tyvm.c -o tyvm
Or simply using makefile (optional: in makefile change binary file name wether building on Unix or Windows):
./tyvm <assembled_program>
Below is a hello-world program for TyVM
, the assembled program can be found in asm/
.ORIG x3000