An open-source file sharing app.
Meet ByteShare, your go-to platform for seamless and secure file sharing. Designed for simplicity, ByteShare offers easy generation of shareable links and QR codes, making file sharing a breeze. Whether it's a single document or a collection of files, ByteShare streamlines the process, ensuring a user-friendly experience for all.
- Clone the repository
git clone
cd ByteShare
- Install Terraform
- Configure your AWS account
aws configure
- Setup Cloudflare R2
- Create AWS resource using Terraform (only in infrastructure/cloud folder)
cd ByteShare/infrastructure/cloud
cp terraform.tfvars.example terraform.tfvars
# Add your credentials in terraform.tfvars
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply
cd ../../
- Setup your Appwrite account HERE
- Create your Organisation and Project in Appwrite TUTORIAL
- Add the credential values in .env
cp .env.example .env
# Add your credentials in .env
- Run the application through Docker Compose
docker compose up --build
- NextJS
- ShadCN (TailwindCSS)
- FastAPI
- AWS DynamoDB
- Cloudflare R2
- AWS Cloudwatch
- Appwrite
- Resend
- ClamAV
- Vercel
- AWS API Gateway and Lambda via SAM deployment
- Github actions
- Cloudflare