This is a Live Weather Project hosted on heroku.
This is made using the following technologies:
- Node.js
- Express.js
- Handlebars
- Postman
This was deployed using Jenkins - which is running in a Docker Container deployed in a Kubernetes Cluster. I know this can sound confusing but the truth is it is.
Here are a few technologies that were used in order to implement Continuos Integrationa and Continuous Deployment:
- Jekins
- Docker
- Kubernetes
- Google Cloud Platform
Here is link to the other repository consisiting of the Docker Image that has Jenkins running and is deployed on a GKE Cluster in GCP (Google Cloud Platform) - Jenkins-Docker
The details for that project are available in the file in that repository.
As of this project, it is equipped with the Github webhooks and Jenkins. So whenever a code is pushed or pulled from this repository, not only does it deploy and update the Github but also the Heroku app where it is hosted.
- Adding Webhook in Github Settings
- Configuring Jenkins Pipeline and updating it to run when github webhook post request is recieved.