This set of Matlab code is written for processing and reconstructing beampatterns emitted by animals. The code includes a processing component and a GUI that allow users to go through each of the calls for visual inspection and excluding/including specific channels if necessary.
The entry point of the code is batch_bp_proc_example.m
in which an example is given to set up the various parameters and filenames for feeding into the main processing function bp_proc
. The paths to folders with the various types of data (video, acoustic, calibration) are specified in the next section. The set up for path and some global parameters are:
username = getenv('username');
pname = ['C:\Users\',username,'\Dropbox\0_ANALYSIS\bp_processing']; % base path
fname = 'rousettus_20150825_file_match.xlsx'; % spreadsheet containing all matching files of different types
trial_to_proc = 5:28; % row index of the trials to process in the spreadsheet above
chk_indiv_call = 0; % whether to display the cut-out section for each call/channel
track_cut_idx = 1:800; % index for frames with acoustic data
save_dir = ['C:\Users\',username,'\Dropbox\0_ANALYSIS\bp_processing\proc_output_rousettus_new']; % path to save processing output
if ~exist(save_dir,'dir')
load(['C:\Users\',username,'\Dropbox\0_CODE\beampattern_processing\bpf30.mat']); % filter use only when detecting Rousettus clicks
Below are other user-specified parameters needed for beampattern processing:
data.track.fs = 200; % video frame rate [Hz]
data.track.smooth_len = 10; % number of points used to smooth tracks
data.track.head_aim_est_time_diff = 50; % [ms] time span between points used for estimating head aim from animal position
data.track.head_n_prescribe = [0,0,1]; % precribed head normal vector (only used in 1-marker case, ignored in 3-marker case)
data.param.tempF = 75; % temperature [deg F]
data.param.humid = 50; % humidity (relative in %)
data.param.extract_call_len = 5; % [ms] length of recording section isolated from around a given call
data.param.tolernace = 2; % tolerance for call misalignment, make it bigger when mic location uncertainty is large
data.param.tukeywin_proportion = 0.25; % proportional of tukeywin for call tapering
data.param.dura_flag = 0; % 1-use duration marked in the mic detect file (FM bats)
% 0-use default detection stuff (Rousettus)
% Below are only used when data.param.dura_flag=1, such as for Rousettus clicks
data.param.call_short_len = 0.5; % [ms] desired length of extracted call
data.param.call_portion_front = 0.2; % proportion of extracted call before the peak
data.param.click_th = 0.1; % threshold for extracting click ranges
data.param.click_bpf = bpf30; % bandpass filter for use in click range estimation
data.param.mic_floor_idx = [4,5,7,17,24,26,27]; % index of mics on floor, used to estimate head normal vector
% in missing marker scenarios for 3-marker case
The various types of data should be placed into specific structures to be loaded by the code. Here's how the folder structure should look like:
There should be a spreadsheet (SPECIES_DATE_file_match.xlsx
in the above image) containing a list of matching files that specifies which combination of audio, animal position, and mic-related files are from the same experimental trial and should be processed together. The different data types and corresponding folders are explained in the following section. Below is an example showing how things go in the file matching list:
Data required for beampattern processing are the audio data, animal location, mic calibration/receiving beampattern, and mic info files that contain the other misc info from the experiment. The example files used here are from an experiment with:
- Audio recording: 34 channels, 4 second long, sampled at 250 kHz
- Three-dimensional bat position recorded at 200 Hz also for 4 seconds
- The audio and bat position recordings are synchronized using a stop-trigger, meaning the data saved were the 4 seconds before the trigger.
Audio data are MAT files with fields sig
and fs
. sig
contains microphone recordings with data from each channel stored in each column. fs
contains the sampling frequency of the audio data in Hz. For example, the example mentioned above would look like this when loaded into Matlab:
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
fs 1x1 8 double
sig 1000002x34 264000528 double
Animal positions are MAT files containing [x,y,z] positions of markers mounted on the animal's head or just the animal's rough position. The position of each marker should be stored in different cells. For data set in which there are 3 markers (explained below), the structure should look like this when loaded into Matlab:
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
bat_pos 1x3 59376 cell
markers 1x3 360 cell
in which
bat_pos =
[800x3 double] [800x3 double] [800x3 double]
markers =
'Tip' 'Left' 'Right'
This format was used in my experiment where three markers on a triangular frame was mounted on the animal's head for monitoring the head aim and head roll during recording. The code calculates the head aim and head normal vectors based on these marker positions (in subfunction load_bat_pos
). For video frames with missing markers, the code uses the trajectory differential as the head aim vector in x-y plane (with z=0), and calculates a head normal that is orthogonal to all the mics on the floor (mics identified by data.param.mic_floor_idx
in the batch processing input file). This orthogonal head normal vector can also be derived using all the mics placed as a horizontal 1D array on the wall.
For data set with only one position at each time point, the structure would then be:
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
bat_pos 1x1 19792 cell
The code calculates the head aim vector based on the trajectory differential. The user should supply the head normal vector by setting data.track.head_n_prescribe
in the batch processing input file.
Note the trajectories are smoothed when loaded. The length of smoothing is set by data.track.smooth_len
in the batch processing input file. The time span over which the trajectory differential is used for estimating the head aim is set by data.track.head_aim_est_time_diff
in [sec].
This is a MAT file containing miscellaneous information about the mics during experiment. The content should look like this when loaded into Matlab:
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
mic_gain 34x1 272 double
mic_loc 34x3 816 double
mic_vec 34x3 816 double
mic_vh 34x1 0 double
Here, mic_gain
are the gains applied to the mic channels in dB, mic_loc
are [x,y,z] locations of the mics, mic_vec
are [x,y,z] vectors representing the base-to-tip direction of the mics. mic_vh
is only used if the mics are arranged in a cross configuration. In this case the array entry is 1 if a particular mic belongs to the horizontal line and 0 if it belongs to the vertical line, and 0.5 to be considered in both (e.g. center mic). mic_vh
is empty if the mics are arranged in a irregular, non-cross configuration. This variable will be used for plotting in the GUI.
This is a MAT file containing information about the receiving beampattern of each of the mics. The content should look like this when loaded into Matlab:
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
bp 91x101x34 2499952 double
freq 91x1 728 double
src 1x1 1563678 struct
theta 1x101 808 double
Here, bp
stores the receiving beampattern at nf
frequencies listed in freq
across nt
angles (degrees) listed in theta
, for nm
mic channels (in the example nm=34
). Therefore, the dimension of bp
is [nf x nt x nm]
. The values in bp
are normalized to the axis of the mic at theta=0
in dB scale. src
contains information about from which files these parameters come from. This variable is not used in the processing. Note that the sequence of the nm
channels here should be ordered according to the sequence of the mic locations.
This is a MAT file containing information about the sensitivity of each of the mics. The content should look like this when loaded into Matlab:
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
freq 129x1 1032 double
sens 129x34 35088 double
src 1x1 96210 struct
Here, sens
stores the sensitivity at nf
frequencies listed in freq
for nm
mic channels. Therefore, the dimension of sens
is [nf x nm]
. The values in sens
are in dB re 1V/Pa. src
contains information about from which files these parameters come from. This variable is not used in the processing. Note that the sequence of the nm
channels here should be ordered according to the sequence of the mic locations.
The GUI displays the results of beampattern processing and allows the user to manually modify a few important parameters. The GUI is called by bp_check_gui.m
. The GUI looks like:
The left plot axis shows the interpolated beampattern across the whole globe in filled contour form. The right plot axis shows the interpolated beampattern within a limited azimuth range in full colormap. In this axis the contour denotes the -3dB contour from the peak intensity. The rightmost panel displays the time series (with mic-animal distance compensated) from all channels. The uncompensated time series are shown in gray, the compensated time series are shown in blue, and the included section for beampattern analysis are shown in red.
The various buttons/check boxes are explained below:
Pick proc'ed file
Select the processed file to viewSave :)
Save all edited results through this GUI<< Previous
andNext >>
Navigate through the calls; the white space right next to Call # can also be used to directly jump to another callEdit call section
Brings up another window and allow user to manually change the included section of each channel to be used for beampattern calculationBeampattern freq (kHz)
Frequency at which the beampattern is to be visualizedMic config
Beampattern display according to mic configuration. It can be2D
in which mics that are randomly located in the azimuth-elevation planes are used to do the interpolation. Alternatively, forCross
the mics are arranged in a vertical and horizontal configuration and the beampatterns are displayed as two polar plots in azimuth and elevation separately.Log/Linear
The scale at which the polar plots inCross
config will be displayed. In2D
the beampattern is always displayed in the log scale.Interpolation
The interpolation scheme used for the displayed2D
beampattern.Natural neighbor
is default from MATLAB, andRadial basis fcn
is a very useful interpolation method in computer graphics.Head aim from marker
If checked it means the local animal coordinate (head aim and head normal vectors) displayed are derived from >1 markers mounted on the animal's head. Otherwise these vectors are derived from the trajectory and user input.Good call
If this call is good to be included in follow-up analysis. This can be determined manually here in the GUI or programatically by specifying conditions to modifydata.proc.chk_good_call
.Normalize bp plot
If the displayed2D
beampattern plot is normalized. I found it easier to visualize single beampattern characteristics when it's normalized, but for inter-call/click comparison it's easier without normalization.Channels to be excluded
Manually specify the mic channels to be excluded from beampattern analysiscmin
The range of color axis in the2D
beampattern displayPeak dB
The maximum intensity measured in all mics, in dB scale
The animal position at which the call was emitted is plotted along with the entire trajectory in a separate window:
The local animal coordinate is plotted as vectors:
- red: head aim
- orange: head normal
- purple: cross-product of the above two vectors, pointing to the right of the animal The azimuth and elevation of the beampattern representation shown in the main GUI window are calculated based on this local coordinate.