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Liquid Investigations Node

Scripts and configuration to run a Liquid Node

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Clone this repository, cd into it, git checkout the tag of the latest release. The master branch is the latest development version, do not use in production.


The Liquid bundle runs inside a Nomad cluster, see docs/ for instructions.

Install system dependencies:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y python3-venv python3-pip git curl unzip
sudo pip3 install pipenv
echo 'vm.max_map_count=262144' | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.d/es.conf
sudo sysctl --system

Then, install Python dependencies:

pipenv install


The Liquid Investigations cluster configuration is read from liquid.ini. See docs/ for details. Start with the example configuration file:

cp examples/liquid.ini .

Production: Performance and Security Configuration Examples

The example configuration is tuned for very small, minimum-requirement machines; you should see low use of your CPU and RAM, as well as low processing speeds.

To make better use of your hardware, adjust the relevant configuration values starting from this example file here: ./examples/production-example-256gb-ram.ini.

There is another example file there with security settings, to serve as a deployment checklist: ./examples/production-example-security-options.ini.


The deploy command pushes the configuration to the cluster. It configures secrets, starts all the apps, and triggers collection processing. Run it whenever you make changes to the configuration:

./liquid deploy

The liquid instance will listen by default on port 80 on the local machine. If you don't have a DNS domain pointing to the macine, you can add entries to /etc/hosts:

HTTPS, if configured, may take a few hours to obtain certificates for all the domains.

Final steps

Create an initial admin user

./liquid shell liquid:core ./ createsuperuser

If two-factor authentication was enabled (two_factor_auth = true in liquid.ini), then create an invitation for the initial admin user and use it to set up your device:

./liquid shell liquid:core ./ invite first_admin_user

Configure RocketChat Authentication

Rocketchat, if enabled, requires a manual step for setting up the Single Sign-On: docs/

Optionally, Download Maps

Maps take a long time to download and require 120 GB of extra storage.

Instructions here: docs/

Publish site on Internet, Tor or VPN

For Internet-published sites:

  • configure DNS provider with CNAME for and * to your server
  • open ports 80 and 443 in server firewall
  • configure port forwarding in cluster.ini, by default enabled
  • enable HTTPS configuration in liquid.ini with the production Let's Encrypt settings
  • deploy

We also have instructions for hosting on VPN and hosting on Tor.


For instructions and best practices on running a liquid node, see docs/


You can enable debugging, modify code for the applications, and more, see docs/

To develop hoover-ui locally, see Hoover Readme

To avoid running the cluster locally, you can use Vagrant, see docs/

Bundled applications