The MetaDataScript example will add 'last-modified' metadata to any resource being created or modified into the LiveOak Storage. The script will also remove the metadata when returning a result to a user not having the 'admin' role.
How to modify the incoming request
How to modify the outgoing response
How to access the security context data and retrieve the user's role.
The target specified in the metadata.json file is set for every access under the /metadascript/storage path, which means every entry in every collection added to this LiveOak Storage will have metadata added.
"target-path" : "/metadatascript/storage/**"
The target for this example is setup to be applied to any storage collection added. This means any storage collection created will have the 'last-modified-by' (user's id) and 'last-modified-at' (timestamp) fields added. These metadata fields will only be returned to users which have the 'admin' role.
To see how this example works, you will need to create a storage collection or two and add in some initial data.
Goto http://localhost:8080/admin#/applications/metadatascript/storage/storage/browse and click on 'New Collection'. Name your new collection 'test'
Once your collection is created. Click on 'Add column' and add a column. For example, call your column 'name'
Click on 'Add Row' to create a new entry. Set the id value to "123" and the name value to "foo".
Notice in the console that there are now two extra fields added: 'last-modified-by' which contians the ID of the user which created the entry (Note: the user's 'id' is not the same as their username) and a 'last-modified-at' which is the timestamp.
If you access the storage directly without being logged in as an admin (For instance by viewing one of the resources under http://localhost:8080/metadatascript/storage/test/123) then the 'last-modified' fields should not be visible.
id: "123"
name: "foo"
function preCreate(request, libraries) {
function preUpdate(request, libraries) {
function postRead(response, libraries) {
// if the user has an 'admin' role then return the object unmodified.
var securityContext = response.request.context.securityContext;
if (securityContext.authenticated && securityContext.hasRole('admin')) {
// otherwise we will remove the last-modified-by and last-modified-at properties
if (response != null && response.resource != null) {
var properties =;
function addMetaData(request) {
var properties =;
var requestContext = request.context;
// set the default value if case the use is not currently authenticated
// if the user is already authenticated, then use their actual subject value
if (requestContext != null && requestContext.securityContext != null && requestContext.securityContext.authenticated) {
subject = requestContext.securityContext.subject;
// add the subject to the object being created
properties["last-modified-by"] = subject;
// add the timestamp to the current time of the system.
properties["last-modified-at"] =;