Sprint 210
AzureAppServiceManage (V0)
Vulnerability fix for AzureAppServiceManageV0 (#16796 ) (2022-09-02)
AzureAppServiceSettings (V1)
AzureAppServiceSettingsV1 - Fixed npm audit component governance bugs in dependency (#16751 ) (2022-08-24)
AzureFileCopy (V4)
AzureFileCopy (V5)
AzureFunctionApp (V2)
Vulnerability fix for AzureFunctionAppV2 (#16799 ) (2022-09-02)
AzureFunctionOnKubernetes (V0)
Bumping task versions for AzureFunctionOnKubernetesV0, ContainerStructureTestV0, DockerV2, DuffleInstallerV0, GitHubReleaseV1, HelmDeployV0, KubernetesManifestV0, KubernetesV0, KubernetesV1, PublishPipelineMetadataV0 (#16848 ) (2022-09-09)
AzureResourceManagerTemplateDeployment (V3)
Vulnerability fix for AzureResourceManagerTemplateDeploymentV3 (#16808 ) (2022-09-02)
AzureWebAppContainer (V1)
AzureWebAppContainerV1 - Fixed component governance bugs (#16765 ) (2022-08-24)
ContainerBuild (V0)
Vulnerability fix for task ContainerBuildV0 (#16797 ) (2022-09-02)
ContainerStructureTest (V0)
Bumping task versions for AzureFunctionOnKubernetesV0, ContainerStructureTestV0, DockerV2, DuffleInstallerV0, GitHubReleaseV1, HelmDeployV0, KubernetesManifestV0, KubernetesV0, KubernetesV1, PublishPipelineMetadataV0 (#16848 ) (2022-09-09)
Docker (V1)
Vulnerability fix for DockerV1 (#16748 ) (2022-08-26)
Docker (V2)
Bumping task versions for AzureFunctionOnKubernetesV0, ContainerStructureTestV0, DockerV2, DuffleInstallerV0, GitHubReleaseV1, HelmDeployV0, KubernetesManifestV0, KubernetesV0, KubernetesV1, PublishPipelineMetadataV0 (#16848 ) (2022-09-09)
DotNetCoreCLI (V2)
Vulnerability fix for DotNetCoreCLIV2 (#16807 ) (2022-08-29)
DownloadPackage (V1)
TypeError in Download Package step for Build Pipelines (#16802 ) (2022-08-25)
DuffleInstaller (V0)
Bumping task versions for AzureFunctionOnKubernetesV0, ContainerStructureTestV0, DockerV2, DuffleInstallerV0, GitHubReleaseV1, HelmDeployV0, KubernetesManifestV0, KubernetesV0, KubernetesV1, PublishPipelineMetadataV0 (#16848 ) (2022-09-09)
FileTransform (V1)
reverted_FileTransformV1_vulnerabilityfixchanges (#16849 ) (2022-09-07)
GitHubRelease (V1)
Bumping task versions for AzureFunctionOnKubernetesV0, ContainerStructureTestV0, DockerV2, DuffleInstallerV0, GitHubReleaseV1, HelmDeployV0, KubernetesManifestV0, KubernetesV0, KubernetesV1, PublishPipelineMetadataV0 (#16848 ) (2022-09-09)
Go (V0)
Vulnerability fix for GoV0 (#16781 ) (2022-08-26)
HelmDeploy (V0)
Bumping task versions for AzureFunctionOnKubernetesV0, ContainerStructureTestV0, DockerV2, DuffleInstallerV0, GitHubReleaseV1, HelmDeployV0, KubernetesManifestV0, KubernetesV0, KubernetesV1, PublishPipelineMetadataV0 (#16848 ) (2022-09-09)
HelmInstaller (V0)
Vulnerability fix for HelmInstaller (#16800 ) (2022-08-29)
HelmInstaller (V1)
Vulnerability fix for HelmInstaller (#16800 ) (2022-08-29)
KubectlInstaller (V0)
Vulnerability fix for KubectlInstallerV0 (#16801 ) (2022-09-02)
KubernetesManifest (V0)
Bumping task versions for AzureFunctionOnKubernetesV0, ContainerStructureTestV0, DockerV2, DuffleInstallerV0, GitHubReleaseV1, HelmDeployV0, KubernetesManifestV0, KubernetesV0, KubernetesV1, PublishPipelineMetadataV0 (#16848 ) (2022-09-09)
Kubernetes (V0)
Bumping task versions for AzureFunctionOnKubernetesV0, ContainerStructureTestV0, DockerV2, DuffleInstallerV0, GitHubReleaseV1, HelmDeployV0, KubernetesManifestV0, KubernetesV0, KubernetesV1, PublishPipelineMetadataV0 (#16848 ) (2022-09-09)
Kubernetes (V1)
Bumping task versions for AzureFunctionOnKubernetesV0, ContainerStructureTestV0, DockerV2, DuffleInstallerV0, GitHubReleaseV1, HelmDeployV0, KubernetesManifestV0, KubernetesV0, KubernetesV1, PublishPipelineMetadataV0 (#16848 ) (2022-09-09)
MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroup (V1)
Vulnerability fix for MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroupV1 (#16809 ) (2022-08-26)
NodeTool (V0)
Implement fallback on UseNode and NodeTools tasks to work with os-x arm (#3391 ) (#16743 ) (2022-08-30)
NuGetCommand (V2)
Migrate NuGetCommandV2 to NodeJS10 (#16826 ) (2022-09-08)
OpenPolicyAgentInstaller (V0)
Tasks/OpenPolicyAgentInstallerV0 was migrated to Node10 (#16836 ) (2022-09-05)
PowerShell (V2)
1914047 Make PS task faster by removing the calls to get progress info #3396 (#16758 ) (2022-08-29)
PublishPipelineMetadata (V0)
Bumping task versions for AzureFunctionOnKubernetesV0, ContainerStructureTestV0, DockerV2, DuffleInstallerV0, GitHubReleaseV1, HelmDeployV0, KubernetesManifestV0, KubernetesV0, KubernetesV1, PublishPipelineMetadataV0 (#16848 ) (2022-09-09)
PublishTestResults (V2)
Updated PTRV2 task to version 2.210.0 (#16779 ) (2022-08-25)
UseNode (V1)
Implement fallback on UseNode and NodeTools tasks to work with os-x arm (#3391 ) (#16743 ) (2022-08-30)
VsTest (V2)
Updated TestAgent version from 2.205.0 to 2.210.0 (#16853 ) (2022-09-08)
VsTest (V3)
Update stream to remove ##vso commands. (#16746 ) (2022-08-24)
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