A demo app for the All in AI presentation on September 27, 2023.
Developed & presented by Nathan Drezner (@ndrezn).
This application uses Dash Chart Editor and the OpenAI Python library to build an application allowing users to ask questions about a dataset and persist views of their dataset with analytics associated.
Once a dataset is uploaded, context on that dataset is added to the prompt for the chat window, and users can interact with the dataset with natural language. After building charts, users can click the "Copy link" button to save those charts to a permanent link, using Redis to save state.
Note: You must provide an OpenAI API key as an environment variable at
Install the dependencies with:
pip install -r requirements.txt
And run the application with:
python app.py
Or, provide your API key directly if it is not in your environment:
OPEN_AI_KEY=... python app.py