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Releases: projectfluent/python-fluent

fluent.runtime 0.4.0

19 Sep 09:52
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  • Drop support for Python 2.7 and 3.5 & support for Python 3.6 through 3.9 (#163)
  • Add type hints (#180)

fluent.syntax 0.19.0

19 Sep 09:51
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  • Drop support for Python 2.7 and 3.5 & support for Python 3.6 through 3.9 (#161)
  • Treat tab as text, not whitespace (#179)
  • Add type hints (#180)

fluent.syntax 0.18.1

15 Sep 11:54
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  • Fix serialization of multiline patterns starting with special characters. (#156)

    The built-in behavior of FluentSerializer is to serialize multiline
    patterns starting on a new line:

    key =

    This used to lead to syntax errors if the pattern started with one of the
    special characters in the Fluent Syntax: a curly brace, a period, an
    asterisk, or a square bracket, and if it was originally written with the
    first line on the same line as the identifier:

    key = *Foo

    Such a pattern must not be serialized as following, because the asterisk
    has a special meaning if placed at the beginning of a line.

    # Syntax Error
    key =

    The fix preserves the original layout of the pattern, i.e. it is now
    serialized starting inline with the identifier

fluent.syntax 0.18.0

20 May 18:28
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fluent.runtime 0.3.1

20 May 18:30
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Updated documentation and package metadata.

fluent.pygments 1.0

20 May 18:31
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Documentation and package metadata updated.

fluent.runtime 0.3.0

23 Oct 15:27
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fluent.runtime 0.3.0 Pre-release
  • Added fluent.runtime.FluentResource and fluent.runtime.FluentBundle.add_resource.
  • Removed fluent.runtime.FluentBundle.add_messages.
  • Replaced bundle.format() with bundle.format_pattern(bundle.get_message().value).
  • Added fluent.runtime.FluentLocalization as main entrypoint for applications.

fluent.syntax 0.17.0

10 Sep 09:45
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fluent.syntax 0.17.0 Pre-release

fluent.runtime 0.2.0

10 Sep 10:45
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fluent.runtime 0.2.0 Pre-release
  • Release a version with compatibility with the latest fluent.syntax 0.17.0.
  • First release with Fluent Syntax 1.0
  • Next release should revise APIs to be aligned with other implementations.

fluent.pygments 0.1.0

15 Aug 16:58
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fluent.pygments 0.1.0 Pre-release

Initial release of fluent.pygments.

Use this module to add syntax highlighting to documentation written in Sphinx and other tools that use pygments underneath.