A testable and composable network client.
For more information, browse the API documentation (coming soon).
StructuredAPIClient is tested on macOS, iOS, tvOS, Linux, and Windows, and is known to support the following operating system versions:
- Ubuntu 20.04+
- AmazonLinux2
- macOS 10.12+
- iOS 12+
- tvOS 12+
- watchOS 5+
- Windows 10 (using the latest Swift development snapshot)
To integrate the package:
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/stairtree/StructuredAPIClient.git", from: "2.0.0")
Inspired by blog posts by Rob Napier and Soroush Khanlou, as well as the Testing Tips & Tricks WWDC talk. Version 2.0 revised for full Concurrency support by @gwynne.