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145 repositories
- Config files used to define parameters specific to compute environments at different Institutions
- Analysis pipeline to detect germline or somatic variants (pre-processing, variant calling and annotation) from WGS / targeted sequencing
- An analysis pipeline for Nanostring nCounter expression data.
- Pipeline for testing drug response prediction models in a statistically and biologically sound way.
PublicCall and score variants from WGS/WES of rare disease patients.coproid
PublicPipeline for processing spatially-resolved gene counts with spatial coordinates and image data. Designed for 10x Genomics Visium transcriptomics.- A fully reproducible and state-of-the-art ancient DNA analysis pipeline
Public- Longread PacBio sequencing processing for WGS and PureTarget
PublicProtein 3D structure prediction pipeline- A single-cell RNAseq pipeline for 10X genomics data
PublicAmplicon sequencing analysis workflow using DADA2 and QIIME2methylseq
PublicMethylation (Bisulfite-Sequencing) analysis pipeline using Bismark or bwa-meth + MethylDackeloncoanalyser
Public- A single cell transcriptomics pipeline for QC, integration and making the data presentable